The real climate change: the Awakening of the Commons

Apocalypse, contrary to popular eschatological interpretations, is not about the end of the world per se. Instead, the Greek word’s etymology, apokaluptein, means un-veiling. The unveiling is in fact exactly what is happening today, where the masses are increasingly aware of the lies, corruptions and darkness that runs the Planetary mind-prison matrix.

Documentary Thrive (2012) is a potent Red-Pill 101 for sparking gnosis among normies.
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When I started this blog in 2016, my intention was to put a spotlight on what is, and has been happening, behind the stage of worldly human affairs, as I was discovering with great perplexity and disbelief a story I had never been told. Gradually, my focus shifted from the dark, to shining light on new paradigms that can get us out of the materialistic, reductionist point-of-view towards, an (re)emerging, and holistic and harmonious worldview.
An initiatory rite of passage of uncovering truths inevitably gets us to face the belly of the beast, which cascades into something that goes like: “If they lied about this [insert topic], what else are they lying about?”.

Iceberg analogy: only 10% above surface, while the rest is unseen.

While investigating is essential to uncover truths, it can lead to trouble when we lose sight of the larger landscape, locking us down in the same energetic vibrations as the perpetrators of these crimes. This is usually followed by paranoia, hopelessness, resentment, and can even cause PTSD, depression and seclusion. I speak from personal experience.
For this reason, the antidote to this reactionary state– and perhaps what the world lacks the most today– is inspiration.

The Encounter by M.C. Escher, 1944
MCE’s arts reveal the unity of polar opposite perceptions

And in that spirit, I have decided to focus my writing towards new emerging cosmogonies, technologies and the paradigms inspired by Nature’s boundless Wisdom that is revealed with attention. The importance of a new cosmology cannot be overstated. The cartesian dogma perpetuated in the last few centuries promotes a separation of I from everything else; We are told by most scientists (who are but priests for the cult of scientism), that evolution is ultimately a competitive struggle for the survival of the fittest; that we are a mere accident in an infinitely big Universe, and that no-one can hear us scream in space (and formerly, that it is absurd to think there are other life-forms out there, although that is finally changing) .
However, when one considers scientific anomalies, such as psychedelic-induced states such as LSD, Psyolocibyn or Ayahuasca (DMT), or even the studies on Near-Death-Experiences (NDE), or dare I mention, the countless research done by people like Dean Radin on ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception), one first starts questioning the credibility of the current paradigm. However, very soon after if curiosity and synchronicity persists, one will be faced with the fact that the Universe is not only multi-dimensional, but is inter-connected with everything else (Fractal and Holographic). We start recognizing patterns that had escaped us before, even though there are in front of us all the time: spiralling motions and geometry are found in all domains of Life. Perhaps the single best effort towards this idea that I’m a big fan of, is the Resonance Academy and its team of mavericks led by Nassim Haramein.
We are at the cusp of a major scientific, and spiritual breakthrough that will have us realize, we are the Universe looking at Itself. My favourite interpretation of this hermetic worldview from Robert E. Grant goes something like:

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” – Hermes Trismegistus.

In my last article reviewing Edward Snowden’s book, I talked about the 5 stages of grief. From my own personal experience in hindsight, I believe that trauma is a corrective mechanism that leads to growth when we initially fail to see what is in front of our eyes.
In other words, while pain is first suffering, a diametrical shift in perspective reveals an opportunity to realize where we took a wrong turn, and to correct it. And if we still fail to see it, then we are doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes over, and over again, until we eventually do (however reincarnations it may take to learn the lesson).

One of my favourite lines from David Icke’s recent documentary, Renegade: Pain is blessing in disguise.
So instead a shunning away trauma and the fear of death like we love to do in Western Culture, the only way forward is by facing these traumas, both on an individual, and collective level. Easier said than done.
It is with this intention that in this article, I will briefly describe the rise of authoritarianism around the World, as well as the story of Anneke Lucas and her experiences as a child sex abuse survivor and her healing journey, which is an extremely valuable template for collective healing.
Last but not least, I want to shed light on some of the new arising paradigms for a more harmonious world and talk a bit about the latest Water Conference and Global BEM.
Thank you, and may you and your loved ones, hold Love and Peace in your Hearts. -P

Gilets Jaunes: A movement nearing its 1st anniversary

Although I have not talked as much I wanted about the disturbing political repression that has been taking place in France since last November, I feel a responsibility to speak out on what is happening. What the Gilets Jaunes in France have sparked is unprecedented both in terms of scale (of participants, but also of ideas) and their impact. The movement, dubbed Yellow Vest in English, is a grassroots protest movement that has arisen out of French President Emmanuel Macron’s government austerity measures, which had planned a rise in fuel-taxes in an economy where close to 10 million people live in poverty despite being one of the richest nations.

The most perplexing aspect of this movement, which has gone for 52 consecutive weeks now, is the government’s response (or lack of) since the beginning of this protest. The scale of the repression by law-enforcement is unprecedented: 2 deaths, hundreds of grave injuries (including being hit in the head with rubber bullets and losing vision and severe concussions), thousands arrested for simply being present in demonstrations. And those don’t even take into account the recent numbers. Every Saturday across France, despite what the media doesn’t want us to see, a war against our minds and freedom is being fought.

This is where the corporate media is complicit in this violence, by discrediting the movement and mis-informing the public, never even bothering to cover the protests since day-1, if only to highlight the damages done to burning trash-bins. The only exception to this has been RT France. RTF and independent media outlets, like Le Media, Sud Radio, QG Media (Quartier General) or We Are Change have done more than all the Bilderberger-press combined.

Public orchestra in Santiago, Chile “The People united will never be defeated!” 2019

Perhaps the biggest ripples this movement created, however, is beyond its borders. 2019 has seen a steep rise of large-scale insurrections targeting corrupted governments: Hong Kong*, Venezuela, Ecuador, Haiti, Chile, Spain, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon. While not all are comparable (*HK Protests feels more like a foreign-backed coup d’etat more than anything at this point), a general pattern quickly arises: corruption, austerity measures, censorship and repression against the people.

Juan Branco, activist and lawyer for Wikileaks and Gilet Jaunes at the WebSummit

This is the real climate change the media is not addressing. The near future will be the result of decisions taken today. And violent repression against its own citizenry is a sure sign that any legitimity that governments, as well as large corporations and institutions, previously had, is crumbling down in free-fall, thus why they only have Force to resort to. Any regime which resorts to violence to enforce its principles has already lost its battle. The question is not whether neoliberalism will survive. It won’t. Rather, it’s how we will transition, and towards what?

Anneke Lucas: SRA and child-sex abuse survivor

Anneke Lucas interview with investigator Tiffany FitzHenry (Oct 2019)

Which brings me to Anneke Lucas. I have been following her story for a few years now, where she has spoken in public audiences (TED) about her traumatic childhood abuses. Why talk about childhood sex abuse, you may ask? For one, it is definitely one of the deepest, darkest rabbit holes regarding systemic corruption at the highest-scales of the power-elite cabal (The Hidden Hand). I won’t delve too much in detail in this article about it, but suffice to say, there is more than enough testimony to put two-and-two together, and see that this is the rule, not the exception.

What interests me more than the sensational aspect of her story however, is her life-long journey towards healing her wounds and going beyond them. Because virtually everyone is traumatized in this day-and-age, it is only by facing them that we can achieve healing on a collective scale. Thus, having people like Anneke Lucas can bring much needed perspective, and a template to apply this healing to the masses. Nobody wants to talk about this unimaginable taboo, and yet, we are seeing stories about Jeffrey Epstein leaking to the public by the day, and how almost anyone in the billionaire-club has had intimate connections in this small-but-influential circle. I have no doubt the world will soon wake up. The question is, how will we deal with it.

Her 4-part series interview with Collective-Evolution is an incredible material and powerful tool for healing.

Ronald Bernard, dutch banker and former cap-stone cabal insider reveals darkest secrets (DVM TV/2017)

These are tough stories that require soul-searching in our souls. And they might even cause a part of yourself to die. But most importantly, a new self will emerge out of, one that will be more grounded in your true being, as opposed to who you thought you were. In Buddhist cosmology, the hungry ghost is illustrated as a big-bellied man with a needle-thin neck, to represent the individual who is endlessly craving emotionally.

Never underestimate the power of the phoenix arising out of its ashes.

Tara Brach: De-conditioning the Hungry Ghosts

New Paradigms emerging

Water Conference 2019 Program

As the old makes way for the new, we are seeing incredible breakthroughs in sciences that will change everything our perceptions of the world. One such event was the recent 2019 Water Conference in Bad Soden, Germany. To name only one breakthrough I’m excited about: Info-ceutics (Information-based pharmaceuticals). Something I’ll get to in another, future article.

Another one I’ve been privileged in helping manage, is the Global Breakthrough Energy Conference which will be held Nov 9 & 10 in the Netherlands. Many topics covering aether physics, overunity science and much more. In fact, my personal highlight will be Jorg Schauberger, grandson of Viktor Schauberger, who will be presenting the first keynote! Incredible times we live in indeed!

I’ve been working on this article for the past week, and almost decided not to write it. However, after many synchronicities that pushed me to persevere, I am happy to have done it. Thank you for your time, and courage to face the hardships of this world. May we collaborate to create a new one, aligned in Harmony.

Big thanks to Serge D’ignazio for the incredible photos of the Gilets Jaunes.

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